Concrete Coatings & Restoration
July 18, 2019 James Maleki
Blog Article
Painting a concrete floor is a great way to seal and improve the look and performance of the floor. Because concrete has special characteristics, however, it also has special needs
June 9, 2019 James Maleki
Blog Article
Like many people, you might be confused about the difference between sandblasting and shot blasting. The two terms appear similar but sandblasting and shot blasting are actually separate processes both
May 23, 2019 James Maleki
Blog Article
Polished Concrete Polished concrete is concrete that has been processed through a series of mechanically ground “polishing/grinding” steps similar to the production of terrazzo. This process also includes the use
May 20, 2019 James Maleki
Blog Article
Epoxy floor coatings are commonly used for commercial and industrial flooring. Epoxy coatings are normally applied over concrete floors to provide a high-performance, smooth, and durable surface that can last